The Fig.1: Furiani, the village near to Bastia, Corsica. |
Corsica (III)
The Hill Near to the Hotel
The second day of our stay in the morning we planned to visit to the heart of the city. Our hotel Sampiero found itself in its periphery, there was quite a long way to its centre from it. But instead we headed for the Bastia´s centre to the right behind the hotel we changed our minds and our feet turned to the left so that we went on not to the centre of the city but to the foots of the closest hills behind the city. We preferred the Corsican Nature rather than the city itself.
We passed through last several streets lined with family houses with gardens at the sea level but soon we started climbing up to one hill we chose. At the beginning of our climbing there were next lanes, houses and gardens too but the higher we climbed up the lesser their numbers were.
The Fig.2: Palms behind a wall within Bastia´s periphery. |
Then our last lane changed in a path and we left all the houses behind our backs.We were climbing up to the hill through a wood of cork-trees. There was a lot of ferns of one species in the wood and I idetified them as Pteridium the genus.
Suddenly a dog joined us. It looks like a smaller hound. You can see it on my picture here. It accompanied us as for all our climb up as for the time of the climb down. Often it disappeared but it always returned to us to vanished again. The wood was getting the more sparse gradually as we were climbing higher and higher and then it was changed by dense thorny bushes alongside the near stony and steep path.
The Fig.3: A date palm. |
As our climb up to the top of the hill continued on I noticed both the various views over the landscape and the interesting composition of the local vegetation cover aroud us. Our choise of the hill was impulsive, it was an improvisation, we didn´t prepare for it in any purposeful way. There was a couple of energy sticks in our bags only and we had no drink with us. The weather was pleasant. The Sun was lightning in the blue sky but its rays didn´t make us dry because a mild breeze blowing from the sea made them cool. This was why we weren´t thirsty.
The Fig.4: The wood of cork-trees with ferns of Pteridium the genus. |
I´d like to make several remarks to some of plants I observed during the climb up to the top of the hill. I had no special botanic key to the Corsican flora so that I could identify the plants I saw there exactly. I took pictures of various plants of which identities were unknown to me. My original plan was to determine them, when we came back home, with a help of my special botanic literature and the Internet. Unfortunately it has been waiting for its realization till now. Maybe one day I´ll do it.
We visited to Corsica in October and then in the time when its flora was preparing for the mild Corsican winter, that is when its greatest boom was over.
The hill was the first place where I could get through the typical Corsican thorny bushy vegetation called macchia.
To be continued.
The Fig.5: The Wood of cork-trees with the dog and the ferns. |
Korsika (III)
Kopec poblíž hotelu
Druhý den našeho pobytu ráno jsme si naplánovali navštívit centrum města. Náš hotel Sampiero se nacházel na jeho okraji. Do centra byla cesta od hotelu dost dlouhá. Ale namísto, abychom zamířili do centra Bastie napravo za hotelem, rozmysleli jsme si to a naše nohy se stočily doleva, takže jsme šli nikoliv do centra města, ale k úpatím nejbližších kopců za městem. Před vlastním městem jsme dali raději přednost korsické přírodě.
Prošli jsme posledních několik ulic lemovaných rodinnými domy se zahradami na úrovni mořské hladiny, ale brzy jsme začali stoupat na jeden pahorek, který jsme si zvolili. Na počátku našeho výstupu byly rovněž další uličky, domy a zahrady, ale čím jsme stoupali výš, tím jich bylo méně.
The Fig.6: One of views over the landscape during our climb up to the hill.. |
Zatímco jsme kráčeli ulicemi a uličkami periférie, věnoval jsem pozornost veškeré zeleni, co rostla v zahradách. Povětšinou jsem musel obdivovat rozmanité druhy palem. Palmy jsou obvyklé prvky korsických zahrad a veřejných míst. V korsickém subtropickém podnebí se jim daří.
The Fig.7: This plant is armed with very sharp thorns. |
Zatímco cesta lesíkem nám nedovolovala vidět krajinu pod námi, mnohem nižší křovinatý porost nám poskytoval spoustu výhledů na souš i na moře.
Jak náš výstup na vrchol kopce pokračoval, všímal jsem si výhledů do krajiny i zajímavé skladby vegetačního krytu kol nás. Volba kopce byla impulzivní, byla to improvizace, nijak cíleně jsme se na to nepřipravovali. V báglech jsme měli jen pár energetických tyčinek a neměli jsme s sebou žádné pití. Počasí bylo příjemné. Slunce svítilo na modré obloze, ale jeho paprsky nás nevysušovaly, protože je ochlazoval mírný vánek vanoucí od moře. Proto jsme neměli žízeň.
The Fig.8: The plant was in fruit, the thorns are seen in detail. |
Korsiku jsme navštívili v říjnu a tedy v době, kdy se její flora chystá na mírnou korsickou zimu, tj. v době, kdy její největší rozkvět skončil.
Ten kopec byl prvním místem, kde jsem se mohl prodírat charakteristickou korsickou trnitou a křovinatou vegetací zvanou macchia.
Pokračování příště.
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