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My present from Reunion. |
Part One
On Vanilla crenulata from Reunion
or Would You Like to Have a Vanilla Ice Cream?
My son and our common friend visited to Reunion in the time between last year and this one.
Yesterday (02.23.´15) I received a nice present from our friend Vendy.
It is a small paper box of which one side has drop-like hole. Through it you can see its contents. There can be seen a standing tube inside the box. There´s a living small plant of Vanilla crenulata growing in a special medium or a substrate within the tranlucent platic tube.The substrate is a white gel consisting of nutritions. This plantlet was propagated by the method of the tissue culture. Also I found instructions what to do with the plantlet next in the box.
My boys bought several plantlets for their relatives and friends here in Czech republic. One of them came to me. They bought them at the Vanilla Reunion´s Research Station where they could see the way how the Vanilla was cultivated. The boys took a couple of instructive pictures at the Vanilla Research Station. Thanks to them both me and you can see pictures of the original place where my plantlet comes from. I publish the pictures with kind agreements of their two authors, i.e. of my son and our common friend.
The Vanilla Research Station, Reunion. |
The Czech Version
O Vanilla crenulata z Reunionu
aneb dali byste si vanilkovou zmrzku?
Můj syn a náš společný přítel navštívili Reunion v době mezi loňským a letošním rokem.
Včera (23.2.´15) jsem obdržel hezký dárek od našeho přítele Vendyho.
Robust plants of Vanilla crenulata in culture, Reunion. |
Hoši koupili několik rostlinek pro blízké a přátele zde v Česku. Jedna z nich dospěla ke mně. Zakoupili je v Reunionské výzkumné stanici pro vanilku, kde si mohli prohlédnout způsob, jakým se vanilka pěstuje. Ve výzkumáku pro vanilku chlapci pořídili pár názorných obrázků. Díky jim můžeme já i vy vidět původní místo odkud má rostlinka pochází. Obrázky publikuji s laskavým souhlasem obou autorů, tj. mého syna a našeho společného přítele.
Cliimbing stems of V. crenulata in culture, Reunion. |
České popisky k obrázkům (shora dolů):
Můj dárek z Reunionu.
Výzkumná stanice pro vanilku na Reunionu.
Robustní rostliny V. crenulata v kultuře, Reunion.
Popínavé lodyhy V. crenulata v kultuře, Reunion.
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