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The Fig.1: This house is Golem to me. |
Corsica (X)
A Story of A Million Note
The Part Two
There was an ordinary shop next to the house on the Fig.1. While my son entered it to try to buy something for the five hundred note, I waited for him before the shop. I was standing and leaning on a metal barrier just in front of the strange face of the house. I don´t know why but now the old tan face remembers me Loewy The Rabbi´s Golem from the old Prague mythes. Golem was a monstrum with a huge strenght and other unusual abilities. Loewy the rabbi was his creator. If he wanted him to animate he had to insert a little magic thing ("šém" in Czech) into a gap in his head.
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The Fig.2: The street we came to the shop of our salvation (the lower right corner). |
Because my son didn´t leave the shop immediately I judged that our hope was increasing. I took pictures of some objects in my surroundings including Golem before me and I observed a beggar or a homeless, the first we met in Corsica. When we came to the shop he sat on a sill of its show window near by some exposed fruits outdoor. We could see how one of the sellers went out and she tried to force him to go away. He went but only at the distance of several steps. I could see that he turned his attention to me. A while later he went to me and he asked me for some changings. I refused him quite strictly in that moment. He retreated a bit again and remained to stand not too far from me. He remembered an experienced vulture, he knew wery well that his victim would need some time to be exploited.
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The Fig.3: The unusually normal shop. |
My son left the shop with a plastic bag full of food and drinks in his right hand and, first of all, with a lot of lower notes in his purse.
I don´t know what´s the cause of this problem in many shops in Bastia. Simply, you must try it shop by shop, you never need to give it up.
The vulture stood near by and he could see our good mood. He went to us again and this time my son put some changings on his dirty palm.
Soon he disappeared out of our sights.
The Czech Version
Korsika (X)
Příběh o milionové bankovce
Část druhá
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The Fig.4: The face above the shop. |
Vedle domu na obrázku 1 byl obyčejný krám. Zatímco syn vešel dovnitř, aby se pokusil něco zakoupit za pětistovku, čekal jsem na něj před krámem. Stál jsem a opíral se o zábradlí zrovna před fasádou toho domu. Nevím proč, ale teď mi ta stará snědá fasáda připomíná Golema rabína Loewyho ze starých pražských bájí.Golem byl monstrum s ohromnou silou a dalšími neobyčejnými schopnostmi. Jeho stvořitelem byl rabín Loewy. Jestliže chtěl, aby oživl, musel do otvoru v jeho hlavě vložit kouzelnou věcičku (v češtině "šém").
Protože syn krám neopustil ihned, usoudil jsem, že naše naděje vzrůstá. Pořizoval jsem fotky nějakých objektů v mém okolí včetně Golema přede mnou a pozoroval jsem žebráka či bezdomovce, prvního, kterého jsme na Korsice potkali. Když jsme ke krámu přišli, seděl na parapetu výkladní skříně vedle
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The Fig.5: A Close small square with a church near by our key shop. |
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The Fig.6: The Bastia´s de-pollution in the small square on the previous figure.. |
Syn opustil krám s plastovou taškou plnou jídla a pití v pravačce a, především, se spoustou nižších bankovek v peněžence. Nevím, co je příčinou tohoto problému v mnoha prodejnách v Bastii. Prostě to musíte zkoušet krám po krámu, nikdy to nesmíte vzdát. Sup stál vedle a vnímal naši dobrou náladu. Znovu k nám přistoupil a tentokrát mu syn položil na špinavou dlaň nějaké drobné. Brzy nám zmizel z dohledu.
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