Hot Reports from Tenerife (VII)
a/ Delonix regia - A Red Beauty from Madagascar
The trees. Yes, the trees have attracted my attention in a continuous way from the very beginning of our stay at La Laguna the town in Tenerife the island. And one of the first trees which woke my interest up because I could not omit it was Delonix regia. Its wide crowns, almost flat, have still been in full flowers. I did not know this species. You can see this tree almost on every step in both urban and suburban parts: in streets, in squares, alongside beaches, in parks. Its favor here has been great. Mr. Google helped me to reveal its botanic identity. In botanic terms D. regia is placed to Fabaceae the family. It means to me that the species coming from Madagascar has its relatives also in my native country, i.e. in Czech republic.
While Delonix regia can have a chance to grow only in special greenhouses of our botanic gardens, their relatives such as Sophora japonica or Pseudorobinia accacia or Laburnum anagyroides have been often cultivated and planted trees in our cities and towns. But if you compare flowers of Delonix to flowers of my examples you would say that Delonix can´t be their relative. This is why botanists place this species into a subfamily of the Fabaceae the family. It is Caesalpinioideae the subfamily.
b/ A Woodoo Women Group
I saw this small exotic group as we were walking the walking zone alongside the black beaches. I noticed it immediately. The women were laughing at something and it was obvious that they were very happy. I would have liked to know where they come from. If I could guess their origin then my estimate would be Haiti, Dominican Republic or some other island of the Caribbean region. Or, maybe, some South American country.
A while later, when the laughing exotic women were behind us, I glanced a similar woman as the ones on the picture sitting on a bench with a white younger girl to my left side. Without we stopped walking I could glance at the short moment as the older dark brown woman was holding a hand of the younger white girl and she was telling her something with a wide smile. I would say that the older dark brown woman belonged to the previous group. Something says to me that somehow the exotic women were connected with the well known magical cult called woodoo and if yes then the cult has seemed to be a good job alongside the beaches of Tenerife, the largest island of the Canary Islands. But of course, this is my speculation only. I can be wrong.
The Czech Version
Horké reporty z Tenerife (VII)
a/ Delonix regia - Rudá kráska z Madagaskaru
Avšak porovnáte-li květy Delonix s květy mých příkladů, řekli byste, že Delonix nemůže být jejich příbuznou. Proto botanici řadí tento druh do podčeledi čeledi bobovitých (Fabaceae). Je to podčeleď Cesalpinioideae.
b/ Woodoo ženská skupina
Tuhle exotickou woo do skupinku jsem uviděl, když jsme kráčeli pěší zónou podél černých pláží. Ihned jsem si jí všiml. Ty ženy se čemusi smály a bylo zjevné, že jsou velice šťastné. Byl bych rás věděl, odkud pocházejí. Kdybych měl hádat jejich původ, pak by můj odhad byl Haiti, Dominikánská republika nebo nějaký jiný ostrov z Karibské oblasti. Anebo, možná, nějaká jihoamerická země.
Po chvíli, když byly smějící se exotické ženy za námi, letmo jsem zahlédl po mé levé straně podobnou ženu jako ty na obrázku, jak sedí na lavičce s mladší bílou dívkou. Aniž bychom zastavovali, mohl jsem maně zahlédnout v té krátké chvíli, jak starší tmavohnědá žena drží ruku mladší bílé dívky a něco jí se širokým úsměvem vypráví. Řekl bych, že starší tmavohnědá žena patřila k předešlé skupině. Něco mi říká, že ty exotické ženy byly jaksi spojeny s dobře známým magickým kultem zvaným voodoo a pokud ano, pak se zdá, že tenhle kult je dobrý džob podél pláží Tenerife, největšího ostrova Kanárského souostroví. Ale samozřejmě, tohle je jen moje spekulace. Mohu se mýlit.
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